Tuesday, February 12, 2013

December 2012's HUGE Level Testing

Hello everyone!

This past December we held our year end level testing for the students of American Shaolin Kung Fu and our students did NOT let us down! 

Here are some snap shots of the year end's level testing for you all to enjoy.








We had 21 students move on to the next rank of their training and wanted to say how excited and proud we are of all of you.  Here are the names of those 21 students:

Nathan Smith

 Steven Warford
Kim Dang
Vincent Nguyen
(Picture missing)

 Minh Truong

 Nkari Richards
Jackie Mullins
Brian Buitrago
Heather Davey
Michelle Miyaoka
Jeffson Atienza
Justice Robinson
 (Picture Missing)
Mimi Chan
Stephanie LeVasseur
 Paola Romanos
 Danielle Nguyen
Matthew Nguyen
  Collins Nguyen
 Josephine Chiu
 Danielle Vo
Hannah Chau

In addition to the 21 students that moved up the rank to Kung Fu Student, we also had one student move up the rank to Kung Fu Warrior.  Due to her endless dedication to her training, this student is now American Shaolin Kung Fu's highest ranked student.  Words cannot express just how proud the Masters are of her.  To attain the rank of Kung Fu Warrior means a deeper level of understanding and dedication to your training must take place in order to succeed. 

We would like to officially congratulate Jenny Pless on her achievement of Kung Fu Warrior!

Jenny, you are an inspiration to the rest of the students and have made your masters very proud.

Students, train hard and continue to focus all your efforts in your training when you are in class and you too will attain the rank of Kung Fu Warrior.

Thank you!

ASKF Staff

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